Phitsue Martins is a really jovial, slightly eccentric and a really out-going individual. I with her about her development as an individual, her experiences and how she built Fauniphee Beauty into a beauty brand that has presence in the North-Eastern Region of Nigeria.
She's one of those Entrepreneurs that I know will continue to have a good impact in the Development of Nigeria.
Before we even started the conversation, I asked her about the corny name.
R: "Fauni" was my mother's name. It means "Beauty" in my language. Phee is the first half of my first name, "Phitsue". So "Fauniphee Beauty" came to be.
She had quite a story....
1. How did you grow up and how did those experience lead you into Entrepreneurship (add the unsavoury bits!)
I lived in the suburbs and although I grew up in a household where my two parents were civil servants, I had neighbours whose parents were traders, consistently buying and selling goods and making a good profit. She wanted this!
At a young age she was keen on looking good. She would sell mangoes, oranges, kunu, Ice-blocks and use the profits to buy the beautiful things she wanted.
She was already an Entrepreneur!
2. Education? Did it play a part?
She lost her mum soon after secondary school.
Her father and siblings supported her University Education. It was during her time at the University of Jos that she began to leverage on her business to cater for herself. She would usually collect her school fees early and use it to travel to Lagos to buy clothes and accessories which she would return to Jos which she would sell to her peers and rake in over 300% profits. The proceeds which she would use pay her fees when they are due and sort her living expenses.
Be like Phitsue Martins!
Although she acquired a degree in History and International Studies, she continued to hone her craft.
3. NYSC, how did that go?
Unlike most graduates that go into the National Youth Service Corps Program, Phitsue already plans to take her business to Edo State where she was posted to obey the clarion call. Despite the fact that she had a 9-5 where she was teaching young children at a Local Government School. She leveraged on the opportunities available to build a thriving hair business from her savings.
Serial Entrepreneur things! I told you to be like her, if you don't you will be doing yourself!
4. Technical Experience?
Because of her own struggles to have very good skin, she built a knack for noticing her friends that had bad skin problems and taking time to study the products that they used and understood the products that had one or two combinations of certain chemicals were bound to cause skin problems. She began advising her peers on which skin products and make up products to use on their skin to keep it healthy.
To be an Entrepreneur, you need sense. Hope you are getting some here?
Whilst in the University, she used her holidays to get trainings in salons where she focused on plaiting hair for women and their children. She had an encounter with a woman that spoke about make-up and how it was going to a big deal in the future. She nursed that idea. It fit the whole idea of making women look good.
After she was done from NYSC she headed straight to the House of Tara where she trained as a beautician. She was able to support her training from support she got from her big brother and her savings. It was a bit after she completed her training as a beautician that she began learning about Skincare from a friend. It was these experiences that enabled her to build the skill base that was pivotal to build a beauty brand.
5. When did you officially launch Fauniphee Beauty?
She launched the business in 2013 with support from her brother and her NYSC "allawee" savings. She started lean, taking a corner spot at her sister's store where she operated from. She ran her operations there where she met with prospective clients and put items she sold on display. She focused on working as a Make-Up services for weddings and corporate events, walk-in services as well as trading make-up products.
She realized the importance of positioning her business in a location that would enable her thrive and she soon started up her own store in a choicer part of Jalingo, Taraba State her primary target market.
Her current office. I definitely want to take my future wife here. She definitely should be ready to wed in Jalingo.
As she built her business, it was her drive to begin producing her own skincare treatment product that she got to find out about the The Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship Programme. She was lucky to be put across to Dr Musa Tanko, a TEF 2016 Alumni who was patient enought to give her tips which she used to get through her applications.
She was selected as part of the 1,000 Entrepreneurs that were funded by The Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship Programme in 2017. She has successfully established her brand through registering the business officially with the Corporate Affairs Commission and the grant from the foundation was critical as she used part of the funds to purchase raw materials and machinery which she has used judiciously to produce her first batch of her face cream (unisex) and body lightening cream (ladies).
6. What do you have in stock for the future of Fauniphee Beauty?
Get it? You do? Ohh no! You didnt get it!. Anyways moving on!
As she forges on her goal to be the Beauty Brand for Africa she focuses on offering these products and services.
a. Face cream
b. Body Cream
c. Organic Soaps
d. Reselling make-up sets from major brands.
e. Make-Up Artist services for weddings and corporate events.
f. Bridal dresses and Accessories.
She looks to expand her factory to produce an array of organic soaps, creams, oils for all types of skin.
7. Any parting words for young aspiring female Entrepreneurs?
In her words,
"Entrepreneurship is not easy, don't let anyone lie to you! Be very very patient. People tell you that you will make it, you will, but it could take you many years. Don't loose track of your goals, be consistent and don't take "No" for an answer".
She told me that was something she learned in business from the TEF masterclass curated by Adebola Williams (a.k.a. Debola Lagos) that was kind of contradictory, don't spend money on advertising your product. It should be organic!, Let your customers tell your story!
There was a lot of things that I have personally learned about Phitsue Martins, but one thing particularly stood out for me, her savings culture. A lot of people tell us to earn more than we spend, but understanding that humans are insatiable beings, it is typically an easier feat to spend less than you earn. She has been able to grow her self and her business through a consistent savings culture that has enabled her to easily build on her progress as an Entrepreneur and that culture has put her up on my list of the Top 10 Young Entrepreneurs that Africa should watch out for!
What do you think about her story?
Let us know in the comment section below!
PS: Want a similar story done for you?
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Best regards,
Ejieji Muna
(Editor, StartupTalk)
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