Great Monday morning to you!
I want to really feel happy that I am on a row here. I have churned out 3 blog posts effectively in 3 days just before you guys wake up. But apparently celebrating something that has barely even become a habit might just be the first step to jinxing all I have worked for. My God is bigger than all the principalities and powers that are working overtime to prevent me from serving you greatness.
So in a peer WhatsApp group a couple days ago, I had some of my mates have a go at motivational speakers especially those that clearly need donations from the crowd of people that are supposed to get motivated.
Like here bro, have this 20k and pay off the rent you owe your landlord.
In my opinion, a motivational speaker has to start somewhere, just like I had to have my first few customers to eventually claim I was running a business....
Africans I think are quite critical of people that don't have well spelt out jobs. They jeer conceitedly at people that claim to help their company "activate their workforce".
At Best, they are referred to as business pastors. LOL.
While you sit down there on your couch jobless being cynical, these guys are running firms with turnover in hundreds of millions of Naira a year.
I think they are a necessity. This world can weigh you down. As someone who has really met some low ebbs in my life, the ability to find people who, despite the fact that they are millions of miles away, speak to your spirit being and awaken that belief to stand up and try again. I tend not to underestimate their work.
Whatever they may term themselves; Leadership Expert, Turnaround Mogul, Emotional Intelligence Expert, Personal Development Trainers, they are vital to the framework of the 'human ecosystem'.
Entrepreneurs ,e.g myself ,usually face a myriad of issues ranging from overconfidence, to despair, to inability to coordinate teams and outright weakness of the mind to continue in the business to which they have put in maximum effort for a period of time. This is in combination with the personal issues (baggage) that they must've developed during their earlier years and brought into the business. An Entrepreneur needs every ounce of motivation that he/she can get to keep on going. Health Specialists would argue that Entrepreneurs require a stable mental health to be able to build a successful and sustainable business. Here are different ways Entrepreneurs can work towards maintaining a stable mental health.
1. Self-motivation
I dont have any other better way of putting it. The first onus to get and keep yourself constantly on track lies on you. Nobody will get your ass off that couch, if you don't decide to on your own.
2. Motivational Speakers
Essentially this is where they come in, getting out of bed might seem laboured at times when you just want to stay in bed and soak in all the goodness between the sheets. Their voices especially when you must've aligned them as your ring tones remind you of the reasons that you decided to take this journey in the first place. They might just be the "ginger" you need to get you going through the day.
What better way to remind yourself that the late nights, non-existent night outs with friends will eventually pay off in 5 to 10 years. I know that seems like a lot of time writing it down, but these speakers make you feel like 10 years is 10 days.
It is their work o
3. Support system
There are lot of quotes to this regard,
"Show me your friends and I would show you who you are"
"You are the sum total of the 5 people you spend most of your time with"
The list is endless. Trust me.
It is important to have a support system as one needs encouragement when the going is good and admonition as well as direction when the going is not so good. This support system can and is not limited to family, friends, business partners, mentors, industry leaders, competitors, et cetera.
Your support system otherwise called your "Network" needs to be quality for you to be quality. Very important.
4. Therapists/ Psychologists
These are the clinical guys. They are trained to unscrew your mind and screw it back together using techniques that they learnt over a protracted period of time.
For me, I typically imagine that they play a major role in the movies. LOL
(PS: Entrepreneurs should watch this show. Very Intriguing)
To be completely honest, I sometimes think with the stress levels that I undergo from time to time, I require a sound, cool and collected individual, probably a therapist, to make sense of the puzzle I call my life.
Funny thing is that, I actually set up a meeting with a therapist and cancelled last minute for a delivery run. Other times I could have picked up on that meeting, I preferred going to the movies instead.
Yes! Story of my Life!
I think the African culture is gradually accepting therapists. Their role in society is becoming increasingly mainstream in the system. I dare say that Entrepreneurs should have a therapist handy.
If I could get up to 10 Entrepreneurs in Abuja that are really in need of a therapist, we should be able to cut a deal with a trusted therapist I know. Reach out to us on if you are interested.
We've come to the end of this article.
Hope you enjoyed it.
I have got a question though.
What are the two most potent ways that keep you motivated?
You are free to share methods that are not listed here. Educate other readers and I.
Share your thoughts, ideas in the comment section below.
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Thanks for reading,
Ejieji Muna
(Co-founder, HubbonNG)