Tuesday, 7 November 2017

#Quickies:One moment please (Dear Readers)

Good morning Everyone,

I have been blogging for over 9 months and it's been a great ride. Finding time to hone my craft, optimize my language to ensure that I still keep the humor as well not loose the readership of people from other countries or other demographic from reading in on the fun stuff about Entrepreneurship. No one wants to know about the hard stuff. LOL

For those that are going to receive this and have never open my blog before to see what kind of content/articles I write about I urge you to read my blog here

For the longest now, a lot of my readers have aired some of their views on the blog and I feel it is definitely high time I start working building this blog in such a way that it turns into a media company. But let's not get ahead of ourselves, I appreciate baby steps a lot. Tried to work towards getting a decent number of readers and glory to God I have crossed the 5,000 readers mark so it's as much a celebratory post  as it is a reminder to constantly evolve it from just a diary into a true brand.

My goal with this is somehow intertwined with HubbonNG, "connect businesses to their customers". StartupTalk looks to bring to the fore the startup ecosystem in Africa so that younger people that feel that they want to be innovators or change makers or help people and still earn can feel a part of it and learn from other young people that are already in the nitty gritty of it all and creating change in their only little or big ways in their communities in Africa. I also want to create a log of Entrepreneurs and their Startups to capture the interests of Investors that might be looking to invest in Startups but don't even know how to start or how to gain access to startups. If Africans don't tell the stories of Africa, who will tell it best?

I have a few questions to which I would look streamline my content and let it not just be a thing where "the spirit moves" and I decide to put a post down because I couldn't hold it in but have a routine that my readers can understand and look forward to because although human beings dream of being radical change agents we are actually characters of habit. So I am just going to start straight away and begin my questions.

1. Does the fact that my blog is a blogspot account bother you. Would it make you read it any more than you already do if it was a paid account? Be honest, because I feel I need to ensure that it is truly profitable and not just a diary of my experiences and start paying to put down my thoughts. It is definitely not economical and I already pay for internet to put down my thoughts and it's fun but NYSC is almost over so things need to change fast. LOL.

2. I have this issue with ads on my blog, its makes it look meh. For those that have read articles I posted whilst their were ads on the blog. Did it bother you. Would you read more if they never exist on the blog in the first place. Again I urge you to be honest.

3. Is it rather easy to navigate through my blog? Have you read a post and move on to read another? or you just run away after it. Do you think I need to work on how it looks?

4. Why do you read the blog and not comment on it and then come back to whatsapp and tell me you enjoyed it. I beg you in the name of God. Please place your comments there, so I can read your comments over and over again and remain motivated to keep writing. 

5. I share in a school of thought that humans are characters of habit and this leads me to think that people want to always do what they are used to doing and I need to be able to factor that in to how I blog. Because I see some of my posts getting high readership and the reasons rather meh. It sends a message that interests differ. People want to read more of certain stuff than other stuff and that's cool.

That is why I have devoted time to creating content to fit different days and I would be attributing them to themes everyday. Here are some ideas of theme for each day.

a. #FundingMonday #MotivateMonday

This would involve putting out funding opportunities that I feel are important for Africans/Nigerians can participate in to raise funds for their startups or any other opportunties that I feel are relevant


#MotivateMonday feels a little cliche, again humans are characters of habit, so if I jump on that and it could work why not.

b. #GovernmentMattersTuedays

A  lot of people might not feel this that much, but I feel it is pertinent that if governmental institutions call for meetings or roundtable discussions around the Youth, or, around doing business or in the startup tech space, You should attend, don't act oblivious and think they don't matter until they break down your store and you would start doing vigil in church. That is also important, you know prevention is way better than cure. So I feel it is important to share what government is doing in terms terms of making business better, albeit worse in Nigeria.

c. #YesWednesdays 

You guys know I am passionate about Entrepreneurship, well of course I am an Entrepreneur but more than that I love the growing startup ecosystem in Africa and I want to be part of the growth and put my own humor-filled twist to it after all we cannot come and die on top of doing business in Africa that is already hard as it is. As some of you know, I love talking and learning from other Entrepreneurs and how they are changing the world and as little as you might think that you're doing, talking about your story would definitely inspire someone that might be sitting on their parents' couch and waiting for old age to come and meet them watching "Game of Thrones".

d. #EventThursdays

A number of you my lovely readers have asked me to remind you of events that happen in the startup ecosystem across Africa, moreso in Nigeria,but unfortunately I am not "German" and my surname is not "Kroos" , I am Nigerian and I simply can't remember to share it with each and everyone of you. But on the blog, I can try. I urge you to subscribe and share with others!!!  

But I want to use this medium to share every opportunity I learn about but you know some of them might be impromptu so I would so be giving an additional feature to the 5  themed days. It is not 7 days,because I cannot come and die on top blogging, man needs to enjoy life, If I die now, you people would just come and eat burial rice and go home. LOL. I am young and I still have to enjoy my family, my friends and my well wishers. Frenemies I remember y'all.

e. #EcosystemFridays

So sometimes some other people might be working towards their own goals in their own little cubicle and not realize that "no man is an island". You might think you're achieving and feel in your head that you have become a champion, you will not realize that you are a local champion. Only your staff, or in my case, your parents that would be your fans. Go out, see what other people are doing, iterate your process, go back to your office and remain motivated because anytime you step into an ecosystem, be it an incubator or accelerator or just any startup event, you would be sure to find people that are 'better than you' or creating the same solution you're creating in a different way and instead of deceiving yourself that you're the only one in your space, go out, meet people in your space, collaborate with them or learn from your competitors and work to be better. You could even find a good co-founder in the ecosystem that is looking for the next best startup to be part of. I say this because I am seriously "courting" a lead engineer from one of my favorite ecosystems in Abuja, "Enspire" don't tell them I told you.

f. #Quickies

I would always have thoughts/impromptu events/ and other gist that might come up that I would love to share and I would definitely share them at any point of any day. You didn't buy me laptop or phone so I will do whatever I want at my own time. LOL. But yeah, most events I attend are actually quite impromptu so I would try and be putting them up.

PS: If you guys like #Funding Mondays and #MotivateMondays, we can move them around to fit in other free days. Saturdays or Sundays. Any other thoughts let me know. 

In other words yeah, there is something I am cooking and I am praying for the grace of God to carry me through to building this into a proper brand that Young Entrepreneurs can learn things and benefit from, Investors can come in and read about the next best Entrepreneurs coming out of Africa, young people thinking of Entrepreneurship can come and motivate themselves and people can learn about how their government is or isn't working in their favor in terms of creating an enabling environment for doing business.

Another PS: If you are angry that I put another PS, you're quite passive agressive, I must tell you. LOL. But I am writing a book, to be more specific an e-book because I feel I have lived a lifetime already and it is important to note certain successes I have and use it as a tool to motivate others in a rut who need to believe that anything you put your mind to, you need can achieve.A couple of ideas for the name. If any sticks out to you, let me know. To put some perspective to it, I would be writing about how my experiences in life played a part in building my startup leading up to how I raised funds for my business.

1. Africans building African Startups
2. How I raised $5,000 grant for my business.
3. Finding your sweet spot.
4. Dreams come true
5. Establishing a Brand Story: 
6.Recipe for building an African Startup.
6. Little Drops. 
6. Success is a Journey, you cannot get there one time.
9. An African Entrepreneur's Journey

If you have a better caption, do let me know. I am a creative that's not too creative. LOL.

LOL I am just joking about the 'you cannot get there one time part' btw. I am a bit keen on the Little Drops part, it seems a little abstract and people might not get it at the beginning but once you get into the book, you begin to see how the story really adds up to being Little Drops.

I know it's too long but bear with me.

Please send a personal message to share your thoughts, an email. If you read this on the blog, put your thoughts down in the comment section of the blog, if you came across this on a group on whatsapp, please do send me a personal message to share your thoughts, your genuine feelings might get lost in the fray and I sincerely care about each and everyone of your thoughts. You can also call me or text me and I would make sure I note down your feelings and it would help me to put out content  If you want to be a "bad belle" or a hater, my God is bigger than you. 

Thanks for reading. I would be looking forward to your thoughts.

Best regards,
Ejieji Muna


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks a lot. Any thoughts on the name of the book? Don't forget to subscribe though. Thanks!

  2. First, you are a very very unserious person. And your writing has improved.
    No, it does not bother me that it's a blogspot account. What bothers me is the interface. It can be better, finer, more readable you know, more user friendly.
    No, the ads do not bother me. See above the things that bother me
    Yes, I think you need to make your blog more user friendly.
    I'll rather comment on whatsapp because whatsapp has a more personal feel.
    The different themes for each day thing is okay but the potential problem I see with that is consistency or should I say sustainability. Can you do it for years?
    For the e book, please, in the name of everything that's good and true, do not use "finding your sweet spot" some of us have overactive imaginations.
    I think "how I raised $5000 grant for my business" is a very good title. Because the name gives a hint of a story and some lessons on how to make money for business. All things that human beings are naturally attracted to. Stories, success and (in Nigeria) money. IMO
    P.S: commenting on your blog is hard fa. Somebody will have to sign in and all.

    1. Thank you and thank you again. It is apparent that I would need someone to build me a new blog where each day's series in evidently and clearly set in a user friendly interface. But I would try my best to change things up a bit here. But that sign in thing, I would try and see if I can change it to allow general comments. To change the interface, a white background should help a bit right? In terms of consistency, I have set out a couple of hours in my day to focus on it, Early in the mornings and in the evenings when I get back from work and it has been working so far. There is a sudden drive to be consistent, even if I don't keep up, then I would see if my readers complain, and then create a community around the service. I think your selection is also good, it stands out for Nigerians and they would look forward to purchasing it, good idea. Thank you bro. I really really do appreciate every word you put down! Dont forget to subscribe!


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